Back on My Feet

Back on My Feet

Back on My Feet Austin combats homelessness through the power of fitness, community support and essential employment and housing resources. Back on My Feet members leverage soft-skills and confidence developed through community fitness activities in the workforce development pillar of our program where they work with staff to prepare for the workforce and gain employment. Back on My Feet's person-centered approach gives individuals experiencing homelessness access to tools needed to achieve self-sufficiency.

Operating in 16 cities nationwide, Back on My Feet has been breaking cycles of poverty and addiction across the country. We believe long-term transformation can happen, but it needs a new approach, one that combines community and accountability to achieve economic stability.

Since 2007, Back on My Feet has served more than 15,000 individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness and engaged more than 150,000 volunteers and supporters. Our members have run a collective 500,000+ miles and obtained more than 10,000 jobs and homes.