Pace Groups


The Austin Marathon Pace Team will help you not only achieve your goals, but have FUN; whether the goal is a personal record, Boston Qualifier, or simply to cross the finish line. Our Pace Group Leaders are extremely experienced runners, chosen on their previous running and/or pacing performances and know what it takes to hold a steady pace and provide a great marathon experience for their “Pace-ees”.

Get to know your pacers today!

  • We will have a 3:00 pace group that will get you to the finish in 2:59 gun time.
  • Pace groups for the following Boston Qualifying times: 3:05, 3:10, 3:15, 3:20, 3:25, 3:30, 3:35, 3:40, 3:45, 3:50, 3:55, 4:00, 4:05, 4:20, 4:35, and 4:50. The Boston Qualifier pace groups will run based on chip time.
  • The pace group leaders will run “even splits.” This means that every mile will be run at approximately the same pace. Exceptions to this will be in the beginning of the race due to the bottleneck at the start and on the miles which may be slightly hilly. Think of them as a moving finish line with your goal time pinned to the back of their shirts.


At The Expo

  • There will be a “Meet the Pacers” booth Friday and Saturday at the Expo. We will be giving some last minute pointers and each pace group leader will be there for you to meet and ask questions. This is another great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Race Day

  • Look for them next to the “Pace Time” signs in the starting area holding up signs with the finishing times printed on them. They will be wearing Marathon Pacer singlets and bibs. Try to meet up with your pace group at least 15 minutes before the start of the race.

  • Five to ten minutes before the start, your pace group leader will give you their final instructions. This may include any adjustments being made to the pace due to course conditions.
  • Water station philosophy regarding whether the pace group will walk or run through it – is up to the pace leader. Each pace leader will let you know their strategy for getting back together after a water stop. Be sure to check with your group leader prior to the start if this is important to you.
  • We want you to run your own race. If you feel great on race day, and you want to go ahead and catch the next group, we’ll cheer you on. If it’s not your day, slow down and wait for the group behind you. And if you want to just fall in and match strides with your pace group leader, we’re sure to appreciate the company!