Road Closures



Use Waze mobile app to see full road closures and traffic in real time. It is best to still review the traffic document even when using Waze.

Traffic Guide


How to Use This Guide

1. Study the Austin Marathon Course Map (page 2) to see if your trip will start, end, or cross anywhere near the

marathon course.

2. Use the Pace Chart (page 3) to see if your trip time will conflict with the marathon.

3. Use the Zone Map (page 4) to see which areas of the course you may need to look at in detail.

4. Look at the detailed information and map for those zones (pages 5-14).

General Tips

● Use Google Maps, Waze on race day, the best traffic information can be found on sites and apps like Google

Maps ( and Waze ( The Austin Marathon street closures are submitted to these

programs in advance, and they will display the closures and the associated traffic.

● Assume you can’t cross the course: Crossing the marathon course with a vehicle is extremely difficult, and

should be avoided. The Austin Police Department will only allow crossings at major intersections, and only when

there are no runners present.

● Park strategically: If your trip starts or ends near a section of the course, sometimes the best option may be to

park on the more accessible side of the course and walk. For example, if you live on southbound Chicon St., park

on the northbound side of the street so that your vehicle is on the side of the street that is open to vehicle traffic.

● Use MoPac, Lamar Blvd, & I35: These roads are unobstructed for northbound and southbound travel.

● Use Ben White Bvld, Hwy 290 and FM 2222/Koenig Ln: These roads are unobstructed for eastbound and

westbound travel. Also, 45th St. is open westbound between Red River & Guadalupe.

Get full traffic guide HERE.